Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

legendURN and Sustainability

Since 2007, legendURN has been using e-commerce to get closer to the personal desires of consumers through our extensive range of products and the option for customized solutions. The motivation to continuously improve is inherent in our team. While we were pioneers in 2007 with one of the first online urn shops in Europe, our current goal is to inspire and promote sustainability.

We are a young and excited team aiming for innovation in the funeral industry. With our multicultural background, we have a good understanding of the norms and values of different cultures. We are deeply connected to society and have the opportunity to make a positive contribution.

Our Ambition

We strive to get better every day! From responsible packaging and delivery to the use of 100% solar energy in our building. With our increasingly sustainable product range, we aim to help customers make conscious choices and minimize our CO2 emissions per package to leave the smallest possible ecological footprint.

Read more about what we do to promote sustainability